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5 enemies dangerous mobile for your computer,

اشخاص شاهدوا الموضوع

Most technology freaks and the online world love laptops, simply because they can switch them from one location to another, and these computers ' most important function, but there are still some drawbacks to this type of computers. So in this post we'll learn the most popular mobile phone for your computer on the 5 enemies together.

Designed laptops to make life easier for those who want to move their computers from one place to another and live in one location. But although it is a useful feature for many, it may pose a risk to your device, including falling and exposure to either break the display or a computer's overall structure, or loss of information, especially in the HDD "HDD" affected by mechanical being motion.

For general, some of these devices have become lighter and thinner. For this reason, in one of the public places like coffee shops, public libraries, etc., you can forget your machine. Therefore, you need to be more careful not to lose your computer.

While there are warnings on your mobile device to stop eating or drinking, most people are not interested in this advice and guidance. But it can be risky for your machine to crash.valgahoh direct spapa, milk, juices and other soft drinks are one of your device's greatest enemies. You must take the necessary precautions against this, dear reader.

Ottaghzizha are very prominent air vents and holes in some computers, allowing dirt and dust find their way to the components of the inner computer. So you're cleaning the place as the advice you're dealing with is always careful and you need to wash your laptop regularly (you need to be sure the amount of dust inside Sttvaji).

High temperatures for notebooks are not a good companion. So many occasions when you are using in bed when situations occur at high temperatures in your machine. The explanation is that the surface where the device is not set and the layer of endothelial and other lids obstruct the air exit, which allows the heat to stay inside the machine and thus raise the height.

مواضيع مهمه
الاسئلة و المشاكل الشائعة, مقالات, هاردوير, hardware, informatics, Microsoft


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