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more surveys from Google Opinion Rewards

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Get more surveys from Google Opinion Rewards

more surveys from Google Opinion Rewards

The Google Opinion Rewards software provides an excellent way to earn money from polls that you can use to buy some type of content from the Play Store. You may get very few surveys throughout the year more often than not, but there are a few items you can do to get more surveys from Google Opinion Rewards.

Obtaining more surveys, of course, means you can earn more cash. Months can pass for many users until they get a new survey so here's what can be done to increase the frequency at which you receive surveys of Opinion Rewards and as a result earn more credits from the Play Store.
How to get more Google Opinion Rewards
 polling after you launch Google Opinion Rewards and go through the initial setup. If you want to take feedback, it's not enough to have the app installed.

Google Opinion Rewards must also allow multiple permissions. These are important for the device to learn if you enter a customer feedback location or shop.

Go to Preferences-> Applications and pick' Google Opinion Awards' and click' Permissions' on the corresponding display. Then allow all listed permissions to know when you visit locations that need customer surveys, as these allow the app to know. Skip this move if the' Permissions' option is not open.

The Battery Optimization feature is another problem that could prevent Opinion Rewards from sending you surveys more frequently. Although it can save you a lot of battery life, it can stop applications from running in the background on devices running Android Marshmallow or lower under certain circumstances.

For the sake of getting more surveys you will need to disable Battery Optimization for this specific app, which you can do by navigating to Settings -> Battery. Here, tap on the three-dot menu button and select ‘Battery Optimization’. Select ‘All Apps’ from the drop-down menu and set the Google Opinion Rewards entry to “Don’t optimize.”

Another important thing is to ensure location services are enabled. The Google Opinion Rewards app is using these to know when you visit places that pay for customer feedback.

Go to Preferences- > Location and, if not already, switch it to ' Up. ' Also, ensure that the setting is adjusted to ' High precision. ' However, this is not the only position you need to search. You must also ensure your Position History is required.

Google App is opened and the side navigation menu selects ' Settings.' Select' Accounts & Information' there. Click on' Android Event Settings' to proceed to make sure the Google Location History is' on.'

All of these settings allow the Opinion Rewards software to track you and let you aware when you are visiting places that need customer feedback.
However, if you want to get more surveys from Google Opinion Rewards, you actually have to go from the house and start places. I believe that you don't have the above configurations correctly installed and if you have the same daily route with a small change, you'll have to go somewhere to get them more often.

مواضيع مهمه
اندرويد, تطبيقات, Android App


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