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unlock the iPhone 11, XS, XR (DFU)

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    How to unlock the iPhone 11, XS, XR (DFU)

unlock the iPhone 11, XS, XR (DFU)

The iPhone 11 and X+ has no home button, which indicates that various features have been reassigned, and one of them is the DFU mode. If you wonder how to put the iPhone X in DFU mode, we'll show you in detail.

DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode is a practical solution to restore the factory settings to an unresponsive iPhone. It's not often done, mostly because iOS is pretty stable, but if your iPhone freezes, gets bricked or becomes dysfunctional, it's definitely good to have this choice.

How to through the iPhone in DFU mode

Compared to previous models of the iPhone, accessing DFU mode on the iPhone X allows you to use the volume down key instead of the now-defunct home button. If you've ever put any iPhone version in DFU mode, you know what to do now. Instead of the home button, just use the volume down key and you are free to go!

Nonetheless, here's all you need to know if you've never done this before to place the iPhone X in DFU mode.

Before we get into the specifics, it's worth noting that restoring your iPhone through DFU mode would wipe away all personal data so we advise that you create a backup through iTunes or iCloud so that you can recover it easily later.

You will also need a Windows and Mac device, the latest version of ios, and a Lightning USB cable in addition to the iPhone X itself. If you have everything at your disposal, just follow the instructions below.

To start with, use the Lightning cable to connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac. Open iTunes after the link has been formed if it has not already begun automatically. Wait for the connection of the computer with iTunes.

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