reduce the consumption
of the Internet at watssap
Among the items that consume a large proportion of data and Internet space available and available to any 3 G or 4 G client (here we're talking about Internet quality in algeria) is a voice call with boy software Alwats August, so it was a new service for users of Alwats August to build over IP or S allows the user a small percentage of the online space Almotovrh use you have for this qua.
Link to the code update
Link to the code update
The first thing you will concentrate on is to know the Alwats August issue, which is enabled on your device as you should be: '2.12.5' van did not update it from the Appstore store, then sign in to the August Alwats 'Settings' settings and then you can find the 'Chat and Calls' option and then press the 'Low Data Usage' button.
Activate this feature, save internet space and place calls from Alwats August without large space usage and use them later for another purpose.