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Microsoft site to see if any program or game is compatible with the operating system pre-loaded (a)

اشخاص شاهدوا الموضوع

*compatible with the operating system*
The theme of the day we're going to talk about a problem facing all Alhacob.vi users frequently install the software and may be sized and null on the machine I mean different kinds of Windows and give us a message either warning of use or saying it's not compatible with the client of the operating system. Eventually, say goodbye to this problem with the page of Microsoft and find out that the program worked and did not work, as well as player web.

Windows compatibility center and features that its results are assured by a large margin due to the same Windows company built for the operating system, as it also relies on the Almstkhaddman.hma vote plus it is simple, lightweight and easy to use as well. A broad number of programs can be searched through the search box on the web and even games.moqa even supports a wide range of external device categories as a main flash tablet or handheld camera and printer... And so on.

No need to pick the type of Windows user because the page recognizes it automatically:) First: once you open the app, the main interface will open with you and ask you to enter the program name or description, or even games, and then click the search icon.

Second: Let's try, for instance, understanding that it was Aleorgin's source program running on the machine and the operating system write the program name of the search box and push the check search button and see the results you'll find that the 8.1 Pro version has been selected to work on windows.

مواضيع مهمه
الاسئلة و المشاكل الشائعة, مقالات, informatics, Microsoft, questions and problems, windows7


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