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Windows 10 Sleuths you and collects all your information

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Windows 10 Sleuths you and collects all your information

It seems that Windows 10 stories have not yet been finished. After finding Windows Update Delivery Optimization property that exploits you Online Throughput and sends updates to others, today we're going to talk about everything related to privacy. often we as users of the Internet do not read the user's policy and what carries the mysteries we do not know, Windows 10 sleuths we and the evidence it collects all the information that we are doing on the computer, including the sites that we are entering and the strange thing is that we do not know to any point of this information is exported.. Is it possible to sell or what! Today, this snarafkm about Microsoft's interest in confidentiality

Since we talked about hacking, you will now be introduced to the correct way to prevent Microsoft from hitting you by Asamalc for Windows 10, all you need is access to the Windows 10 settings ' Settings ' and then go to the Privacy tab ' Security ' and you will find a list of choices on the left, we recommend that you see the whole disabled as the Microsoft spy on your computer's location.

Stands only when using the Contacts or Accounts option to stop you from disabling Windows Shell Experience because it is required for Windows and is disabled can cause some problems for the latter.

In Feedback & Diagnostics choice to clearly enforce what the picture is and stop Microsoft and ask some Tzaajbk Alrasail!

مواضيع مهمه
، مقالات, مواضيع أجنبية, ويندوز, windows 10, windows7


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